
Digital Technologies in Action at School

Take a look at the following video clip on Digital Technologies in action at a Primary School Adapted from YouTube,  Published by The Education Gazette on February, 18, 2020 In this video clip we see an interview of teachers and students at a Primary school called West Rolleston Primary School in Christ Church, New Zealand. We can see how the integration of technology in the school's curriculum has opened the minds of young students to become creative thinkers and problem solvers. What do you think?

Food For Thought

On reflection, since doing research for this assignment, it has been noted that I have not seen any videos nor published articles on Digital Strategy in Schools regionally nor locally. This may not necessarily mean that there aren't any materials written but they have not been put in a public forum. I'm certain that many educators, like myself and educational leaders have been working tirelessly to find ways and means of integrating technology into their teaching, learning and assessment techniques especially now so more than ever.  The experiences from online teaching throughout the pandemic have opened many of our eyes that we must be ready to adapt to the constant ever changing world and its technology resources.  The students which we teach today are more tech-savvy than before and the traditional ways of teaching will not be as rewarding as they used to be. Having said that, it is admirable and particularly interesting that the many schools in the European nations and in A

Digital Strategy for Schools to 2027

The following clip below speaks to what Digital Strategy is and some of the key factors which must be considered in this plan. Adapted from YouTube on December, 3rd, 2022. This video originated from The Department of Education in Ireland and was published on April 13th, 2022. It states that Digital Strategy can focus on how education can be made better for all students. It will provide opportunities to each learner to have ample opportunities to benefit from technology in their learning by developing key skills for the digital world. Teachers and school leaders also have the opportunity to improve by developing their skills. In this strategy they have considered the three main pillars of work to be: 1) Ensuring that digital technology is embedded in  all teaching, learning and assessment and allocating funding to purchase technology tools. 2) Ensuring that broadband width and technology connectivity is adequate for the institution and also building and improving  better relations betwe