Food For Thought

On reflection, since doing research for this assignment, it has been noted that I have not seen any videos nor published articles on Digital Strategy in Schools regionally nor locally.

This may not necessarily mean that there aren't any materials written but they have not been put in a public forum. I'm certain that many educators, like myself and educational leaders have been working tirelessly to find ways and means of integrating technology into their teaching, learning and assessment techniques especially now so more than ever. 

The experiences from online teaching throughout the pandemic have opened many of our eyes that we must be ready to adapt to the constant ever changing world and its technology resources. The students which we teach today are more tech-savvy than before and the traditional ways of teaching will not be as rewarding as they used to be.

Having said that, it is admirable and particularly interesting that the many schools in the European nations and in Australia and New Zealand for instance have embraced technology and gone full force into implementing advanced strategies in all subject areas.
We can not compare their school budgets / funding and their availability to technology resources to ours in the Caribbean but they can still be used as model schools to take notes on what they did and how they went about achieving their goals. 

The world as we know it is quickly evolving and times and demands are changing rapidly. The international market is also a very competitive one and in order for our youth to survive we will have to develop critical thinkers. Ones who can collaborate and express themselves and accept feedback and use it correctly. We have to develop team builders but also persons who can work individually when the need arises. We need to develop digital strategies which are unique to our Caribbean schools so that we will not be left behind.


  1. I find this to be very honest and thought provoking. We in the Caribbean, when it comes to education, seem love to lead from behind. In addition we still seem to think that if it is foreign, it is good. I am sure there are schools whose experiences with the use of technology during the Covid 19 pandemic would have been unique, and culturally different . It is time we begin to create our material, for our children, and give others an opportunity to view it through our lens.

  2. I shared this realization as well Sherry. However, I believe that this initiative may not have been at the forefront of our educational system as it is now due to the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic. The impetus is therefore on us as leaders to be innovative and persistent in our quest for the successful integration of technologies.

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  4. I quite agree Sherry, Debbie and Tamita. I was hoping to find some examples of a digital strategy being used either locally or regionally so that i could see how it was implemented, the advantages, how long it took and if it was well received by the stakeholders.


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